About this Website
The backstory on how I came to own this domain is quite straightforward. One day I had something important to finish until the following day (don’t remember what that something was) and naturally I started procrastinating. By procrastinating I mean that I bought this specific domain and made some email aliases with it. In the end I decided to also build a website for shits and giggles, and here we are…
Blogs and Stuff
New Articles
Prologue | 6 minute read by Luca Luceafărul
“Your sword slides down his shield. You miss.” “That’s just-. Whatever. I’ll try to get behind that barrel to get some cover then.” “Alright. As you move away, the goblin gets an attack of opportunity. His attack hits you. You take 7 points of damage as he pierces you with his scimitar.” “What?! That’s enough to knock me out” “Crap, I’m sorry dude, but them are the rules.” “That’s bull; he shouldn’t be able to hit me on my own turn. You should be rewarding me for even showing up, unlike the rest; not kill my character off`!”
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Posting Articles | 1 minute read by Victor Ișan
Ever wanted to have a blog? As I have said in my previous article, anyone is welcome to post their own stuff on this website. If you wish to write about anything at all, I highly encourage you to contact me via email: victor@isan.ro. Here’s my PGP key. Guidelines for writing Please use markdown when writing your article. If you’ve never heard of it, no problem! Markdown is pretty much the same as plain text, only with some added syntax that allows you to add headings, bold/italics, links, images and more…
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Hello World! | 1 minute read by Victor Ișan
Welcome to karambol.life! To be completely honest, I don’t rightly know myself why this website exists. I figured that after playing around with Hugo for a bit, I might as well create a blog site for whenever I feel like writing. Moreover, I will have my friends write whatever they want in here, just so it doesn’t get too lonely… By the way, if you want to get your own page or even your own section on this website, feel free to submit a pull request on the gitlab repo and I’ll be sure to check it out!